Authentication error on Cluster connectivitiy

I was able to connect my cluster sucessfuly first and able towork. AFter somtimee my Tunnel timeout then connection turn into Authentication error. Upon renewing my Tunnel connection still can’t to existing cluster unlesss i restart my laptop.

OS - Windows 10
LENS IDE - 2024.9.300059-latest

Hello muthukumarse,

Thank you for reaching out to Lens support!

What exactly error have you received?

We are waiting for you to reply.

Best Regards,
Tikhon Kudinov
Lens Support Engineer
Mirantis, Inc


This might be fixed by the upcoming patch release.

We just released a patch for several bugs, and this might be one of them. Please download the latest version of Lens 2024.10.171859-latest from our website, and give it a try