How do i delete demo-k8s

I quit the app, remove /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Lens/kubeconfigs/lens-demo-cluster

The file is re-created upon restart. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:t4:

In the GUI I cant find anything.

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Hello @unwired_splicing052 , Thank you for reaching out ! I have contacted our developers regarding your issue .

Hi @unwired_splicing052 , currently there is no option to opt-out of the demo cluster; however, we are working on bringing a Preference option where you will be able to specify you want to opt-out of it and then the cluster will no longer appear (nor the config will be fetched)


Thanks one would think this would be simple and Iā€™m surprised no one else has mentioned it. I guess everyone else just leaves that there and ignores it.

Anyway looking forward to what the devs come up with :+1:

MIssed it initially, maybe due to my own post had to be approved and came in after your reply.

Either way, thanks for taking the time to reply.

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FYI, I just see that their is now an option to disable Demo Cluster in Preferences / App :