I try to install k0s on debian following the documentation (I have enought ressources)
It works well, but there is some problems with installation.
Quick Start Guide with single node
but I used --force -
“Install-k0s with a conf” OK but with token it didn’t works for controller, but I think I have to do the k0sctl first
“Install using k0sctl” -
K0sctl installation on debian with sudo user
- go install github.com/k0sproject/k0sctl@latest didn’t work, there is a problem wit version number
- but brew installation worked well
- Shell auto-completions with bash did not work
I did
k0sctl completion > .bash_k0sctl
sudo cp .bash_k0sctl /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/k0sctl
I continue K0sctl installation and k0s tuto
Thanks a lot for this great project and good documentation