Launching lens in multiple windows

Is there a way I can launch the lens application and get multiple screens? As this would be really helpful when working on multiple clusters.

I’m using Windows, and as of now the lens application can’t open multiple sessions. Neither does it run a new session when I run it in new desktop.

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Hello, thank you for reaching out! i have contacted our development team concerning your issue .

Hello there, thanks for reaching out. We currently don’t support multiple screens on Lens, but we have already scoped it as part of our roadmap. We recognize it would be beneficial to a big user base, so it is already in our radar :slight_smile: (no ETA yet though)

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The older versions while not in a separate window , did keep all open tabs for a cluster together. This was very useful and with the new UI it is gone. It does make lens significantly less useful, when you are supporting multiple clusters.

Absolutely. This has been a recurrent feedback from several users and we acknowledged that it was indeed an necessary improvement to make; therefore, we are currently working on a feature that will allow you to replicate that behavior, so you can switch from cluster to cluster, but “lock” the view , so you only see tabs for the active cluster. Please stay tuned for it, and thanks for the feedback!