We’re excited to introduce a new Beta release of Lens Desktop! This update not only resolves multiple bugs but also brings a fresh set of features inspired by the valuable feedback from our community. One of the highlights of this release is the Hotbar, now available for testing to all users!
Here’s what you can expect:
- Hotbar is back!: Quickly access your favorite clusters.
- Improved Dock: Smoother user experience with reduced flickering.
- CronJobs Execution Time: Display the next execution time for CronJobs.
- Persistent Column Visibility: Kubernetes resource tables now retain column visibility settings per cluster.
- Prometheus Metrics with HTTPS Support: Secure connections are now supported.
- Teamwork Cluster Info Icon: Added an info icon for clusters that are not yet deployed.
- Node Shell Enhancement: A banner now displays the node name in the node shell.
- Pod Shell & Attach Updates: Container information is now shown in a banner.
- Cluster Color Inference: Cluster color is now automatically determined based on the custom cluster icon (if set).
- Enhanced Tooltips: Resource tooltips in the Navigator now include cluster names for better context.
- Refined Context Menus: Improved styling for context menus to enhance usability.
Bug Fixes
- Renamed reveal clusters in the command palette for clarity.
- Fixed icon for not deployed teamwork cluster.
- Navigator nodes always focus when drilling down or up.
- Clusters with unsupported auth apiVersion are now kept in the navigator.
- Display the pod name in the logs even if the pod no longer exists.
- Always show the release notes tab even if drilled-in.
- Fixed AWS EKS loading spinner indefinitely for partial results.
- Fixed jumping cursor on inputs.
- Always set and read from both casings of path for windows.
- Fixed unhandled exception during cluster disconnect.
- Fixed extensions being leaked on close.
- Fixed error handling in resource create.
- Fixed correct filename for saved logs.
- Made prometheus metrics settings persisted even if no address provided.
- Removed gap under pod logs view.
- Fixed notification link color.
- Prevented navigator create keyboard shortcut from opening the create input field.
- Constrained the current drilled-down entity field to the navigator width.
- Prevented previously discovered EKS clusters from being removed.
- Added check for token expiry before making requests to Lens.
- Fixed opening details panel on sharable link.
- Close menu from dropdown indicator.
- Fixed table scrolling bug.
- Fixed duplicate logs.
- Fixed fetching of logs for multiple containers and pod names.
- Upgraded aws-sdk to 3.744.0.
It is important to highlight that due to the nature of a Beta version, some bugs or side effects from certain features are expected. Rest assure that we are working hard on addressing these issues before the version can graduate to a stable release.
How to access this version?
Switch to Beta Update Channel: Launch Lens, navigate to “Preferences” > “App”, and change the Update Channel to “Beta”. This will allow you to receive this aforementioned update. You can always switch back to “Stable” to go back to your previous version.