Lens 5 stuck in "Connecting Authentication Proxy started

Hi, I have just downloaded Lens and triggered it. It connects to local kubernetes (installed with docker desktop on windows), I copied config from a kubernetes cluster on ubuntu 24 to my .kube folder, named it config-kubernetes, it was picked by Lens right away but when I do connect it gets stuck as follows

Hello @salam , Thank you for reaching out !

This is a know issue , please try the following :


Upgrade Lens to 2024.1.300751-latest.

Before the official roll-out the customers can download it from here: https://k8slens.dev/

Temporary workaround

(helped in 99% of the cases!) - valid before 2024.1.300751

  1. Terminate Lens Desktop (find the Lens icon in system tray in the right bottom corner, right-click the icon and select “Quit App”)

  2. Download kubectl.exe manually and put it to the folder “PATH-TO-KUBECTL-BINARY/VERSION/”*

But those are not officially recommended from the devs yet.(18.01 13:20)


There is the a guide in Kubernetes documentation related to obtaining kubectl:

Select your version of Kubernetes in top-right corner there so that the instruction will include the correct link to the binary:

Last resort

(before the release of 2024.1.300751)

If the temporary workaround hasn’t helped, feel free to suggest to the customer to downgrade (this solution is approved by Lee Namba). Here are the links, from which customers can download 2023.12.80831-latest (depending on the OS):

Sorry, after taking a long time, lastly it was able to display the remote cluster details but with no metrics as I indicated in the other thread I opened as well

Hello Salam,

If you don’t receive any errors with metrics, I recommend that you check the settings correctness of the metrics in your cluster.

Enabling cluster metrics - Lens Documentation

Best Regards,
Tikhon Kudinov
Lens Support Engineer
Mirantis, Inc