Quick filters on workloads tabs

It would be helpful to have two quick filters: OK and NOK.

For example, on the Pods tab:
OK displays all statuses that are ‘Running’.
NOK displays all statuses that are not ‘Running’. (i.e failed, unknow, whatever)

Similarly, on the Deployments tab:
OK shows those that are up-to-date.
NOK shows those that are not up-to-date.

The same applies to StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and Jobs.

When dealing with hundreds or even thousands of pods, having such quick filters would significantly improve the responsiveness of the interface.

Hello docker,

Thank you for reaching out to Lens support!

I’ll let the dev team know about your suggestion.

Best Regards,
Tikhon Kudinov
Lens Support Engineer
Mirantis, Inc