Help Needed: Infinite Spin on Cluster Overview and Missing Metrics in Lens

Hello everyone,

I’m encountering an issue with the Lens Kubernetes dashboard where the cluster overview section continuously shows a spinning loader and fails to display the expected metrics.


Environment Details:

  • Lens Version: 2024.5.271333-latest
  • Kubernetes Version: v1.28.9-gke.1000000 & v1.27.11-gke.1062004
  • Cluster Setup: GCP GKE
  • Prometheus: Installed via Lens Metrics

If anyone has experienced something similar or has any suggestions on further troubleshooting steps, please let me know.

Thank you!

Hello amazing,

Thank you for reaching out to Lens forum!

Could you provide us with the screenshot of the metrics settings, please?

We are waiting for you to reply.

Best Regards,
Tikhon Kudinov
Lens Support Engineer
Mirantis, Inc