Opening Lens to a blank screen after update

Hi all,
Hoping for a little help.
I am experiencing an issue with updating Lens from a working version of 2024.9.300059-latest to 2025-1-161916-latest. As soon as I upgrade it opens and loads Lens and I can see all my cluster and connect without issues but as soon as I close Lens and reopen I am presented with a blank screen. It’s just a big grey box with nothing, no top menu, no side bar, no nothing…

Only way I can get Lens working again is if I revery back to the previous version.

I’ve tried clearing out the Lens data folder i.e. C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Roaming\Lens and it loads I reconfigure everything and as soon as I close and reopen is it back to a black screen again.

I am on Windows 11, I pull my kube config in from WSL which has never been an issue before and I also overwrite the binaries location to set to my chosen kubectl install.

I don’t seem to see any notes of interest on the release notes so at a loss as to why I am experiencing this.

Any help would be appreciated.

Do you have airgapped mode enabled?

I can see that airgapped mode is enabled but greyed out. It seems that at the beginning of the year the license renewed and changed from enterprise to pro.

There is no reason for this airgapped mode to be enabled. If this may be the cause of my problems how can this be disabled? Or if this feature can not be disabled how can I get Lens working on the newer version?

Hi, can you contact support at to disable the airgapped mode?

Lens currently has a bug with airgapped mode that could cause this blank screen issue. It will be fixed in the next Lens release.

Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. I raised a support ticket to get this feature disabled which has since been disabled and the problem still persists.

Hi @norrkin i’m also facing the same issue, are you able to see the lens now?