READ FIRST! Lens 2024 Early Access Version Known Issues

Important Notice: Understanding Lens 2024 Early Access

The Early Access release of Lens 2024 is a sneak peek into what we’re building, not the final product. It’s an opportunity for you to experience the future of Kubernetes management as we explore significant UI/UX enhancements. This version is part of our development journey, and we openly invite your feedback to refine and perfect the experience. Please be aware that you may encounter bugs, and rest assured, we are dedicated to addressing these as part of our ongoing development.

Your input is crucial in shaping the final version of Lens 2024. We’re committed to evolving based on your feedback, laying the groundwork for new features that will redefine Lens’s user experience. For a detailed understanding of what to expect and how you can contribute to making Lens 2024 truly groundbreaking, learn more here.

Here is a list of known issues of Lens 2024 Early Access version updated July 16, 2024

  • Cannot shell into local cluster nodes - minikube/Lens Desktop Kube (#1870)

  • Infinite loading spinner on cluster overview when no metrics or false settings (#1823)

  • Functions are missing on nodes view and its details panel (#1866)

  • Functions are missing on pods view and its details panel (#1868)

  • Switching between tabs is sometimes inconsistent (# 1603)

  • Doughnut controller is broken after first Lens startup (#1400)

  • Kubeconfig validation is too strict, not all local kube configs are displayed (#1998)

  • Port-forwarding is broken (#1637)

  • Try opening ‘Kubeconfig File’ on Service Account Details Panel error (#1848)

  • Jumping UI on drag and drop main view tabs (#2293)

  • Wrong tab content is shown (#2178)

  • Using icon color picker on cluster settings page crashes Lens/stresses CPU (2119)

  • Don’t display Loading indicator when tailing logs (2189)

  • Optimize cluster iframe view switching (2289)

  • User has no possibilty to remove cluster from space (#2100)

  • Cannot disable Lens metrics on cluster settings page (#2091)

  • Jumpy mouse selection behavior in logs (#2195)

  • Warning icon in Overview goes to page that doesn’t exist (#2179)

  • Terminal stuck on ‘Connecting …’ takes quite long (#1910)

  • Updated bored-agent image (#2326)

  • Wrong positioning of pod and container filter selector in logs (#2353)

  • Applications view doesn’t show up - Lens shows cluster overview page instead (#1986)

  • Inability to persist cluster name changes and uploaded icons (#2193)

  • Architecture changes after updating from stable to beta version (#2416)

  • Cannot open any resources from ‘Security Center’ or 'Applications '(#1796)

  • Open Lens Desktop Kube cluster view from bottom menu will open two tabs and cannot be closed (#1585)

  • Open LDK cluster view from bottom menu will open two tabs and cannot be closed #1585

  • Failure to open running Lens Desktop Kube profile on LDK settings page (#2224)

  • Open Lens Desktop Kube cluster view from OS menu does not work (#2216)

  • Delay in loading logs (#2444)
    Fresh solved

  • Running Lens Desktop Kube profile not visible in navigator (#2225)

  • Reopening a disconnected cluster after refresh does nothing (#2207)

  • Lens cli doesn’t show (shared) clusters (#2167)

  • Three-dots-menu closes automatically and flickers (#2102)

  • Missing ‘Security Center’ settings on cluster settings page (#1782)

  • Missing pods chart for metrics fallback server (#2356)

  • Cluster automatically disconnects for no obvious reason, reconnect not possible (#2317)

  • Loss of connections to all clusters leads to inability to reconnect without restart (#2290)

  • Performance degradation in Namespace selector in Lens 2024 (#2441)

  • Incorrect settings button link in Security Center (#2430)

  • Port-forwarding gets automatically disconnected (#2614)

  • Details panel tooltips issues (#2550)

  • Wrong focus behavior on navigator when opening any table (#2526)

  • Namespace selector changes in “Applications” lead to context changes in opened logs in editor (#2477)

  • Unable to deselect all namespaces in namespace selector (#2474)

  • Logs context menu doesn’t work without visiting Replica Sets (#2438)

  • Data from Hotbar is not migrated properly into Lens 2024 (#1698)

  • Missing pod metrics on Lens Desktop Kube (#811)

  • Refreshing Lens by using ‘CMD+R’ can break UI (#1995)

  • Navigator does not open or expand at the appropriate location when user clicks on an opened cluster settings tab (#2184)

  • Cluster connection doesn’t work reliably (#2160)

  • AWS EKS Cluster connection is stale after laptop on standby (#1881)

  • Shared pod link doesn’t work (#1702)

  • Lens 2024 performance issues with multiple cluster connections (#2375)

  • Auto-Connect failure after sleep mode (#2392)

  • Metrics server (fallback) shows wrong timeframe (#2316)

  • Outdated UI elements in “Applications” Details Panels (#2431)

  • Select previous tab when closing a tab instead of first tab (#2528)

  • Metrics not displayed in “Applications” Details Panel (#2489)

  • Outdated UI elements in “Applications” Details Panels (#2431)

  • Opening a Custom Resource main view tab sometimes doesn’t reveal in navigator if opened from the Definitions page (#2607)

  • Calendar Opacity Issue in Logs (#368)

  • Logs disappear after restarting deployment (#238)

  • Uninstalling Helm release via Lens creates DoS on API server (#50)

  • When deactivating and then reactiving Lens Desktop some entities fail to show children in navigator menu (#161)

  • K8 Resources not visible without specifying namespaces (#23)

  • Prevent scrolling when context menu is open (#260)

  • Setting is not persisted if input focus is not removed before closing the settings tab (#284)

  • Remove “Empty…” context menu if no context menu items are registered (#302)

  • Unable to Load Images/Roles/Resources in Security Center - Overview Always Shown (#340)


Exciting news!
Our new beta release is now available: Lens: 2024.3.271133-beta-latest.
Big thanks to everyone in the community for reporting issues; your input is invaluable.
Many of the fixes couldn’t have been achieved without your reports. We truly depend on your contributions.
We’ve updated the known issues list above.


We’re thrilled to announce the release of our new beta version: 2024.4.181422-beta.

Our team has been hard at work, focusing on addressing numerous bug fixes, performance enhancements, and overall improvements to make Lens better.

We’ve updated the bug list above.


Exciting news!
Team Lens just dropped another fresh beta release Lens: 2024.4.240226-beta, packed with bug fixes and improvements. Check out the updated Known Issues list above for any changes.


Hi, I am just getting started with Lens, and it is a very nice tool I must say. However, I cannot switch to the Lens 2024. I mean, when I go to preferences, I cannot view the update channel to even have a sneak peek of Lens 2024 early access. It’s not even there. I am using an Ubuntu Linux distro.

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Hello @mercy , nice to hear from you and welcome to our community.
Currently, we do not offer in-app upgrades to our Lens beta versions for Linux. However, what we plan to do is provide download links for our Linux users here in the forum upon the release of the upcoming beta. We will post this separately.

A new beta release is now available: Lens: 2024.5.61439-beta.

We want to highlight that we have fixed an issue that caused Mac users with Apple chips to mistakenly download our Intel-based version. This resulted in certain features not functioning properly and led to performance degradation.

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We are excited to announce the latest version of our Lens Beta: 2024.5.271348-beta!

It can be tested if you set the channel to beta in the Lens settings and let Lens check for new updates.

This version includes a multitude of bug fixes, which you can find in the Known Issues list. A big thank you to everyone who has supported us with feedback and bug reports.

For our Linux users: The binaries will be updated in the respective forum thread.

We are particularly proud of a new feature we have introduced: colorized cluster icons! This feature is disabled by default but can be easily enabled via “Preferences → Apps.” Add a splash of color to your experience and give it a try!

We look forward to your feedback and are excited to see how you will use the new features.


A new beta version has been published → Lens-2024.7.161230-beta.
Once again, many thanks to all of you for your important comments and suggestions to improve our product.
Our team looks forward to your feedback.